Red Gate SQL prompt – It comes with various options of styling including collapsed, default, commas before, right-aligned, and indented.Link used for accessing this tool is this one. Code Beautify – This formatter tool comes with the provision to download the formatted code and we can even remove the comments and minify the SQL code by using this tool available online.Let us have a look at some of them here listing the specialties of each of them and links to access them. There are many online formatting tools available that can beautify and indent your PL/ SQL source code.
We can even pass the files which include the PL/ SQL source code instead of the raw queries, procedures, functions, etc. This feature is mainly used for security reasons. Some of the formatters even provide the feature which can obfuscate the source code which scrambles the code and makes it difficult for another person to encode it. UNICODE, ASCII, and European ASCII encoding is followed by the output. Tab column positions for arbitrary input can be specified in a formatter. We can customize the spacing and step distance while performing the indentation with the help of a formatter. Even if you don’t have the oracle connection, you can still do a complete check over your syntax of the source code with the help of a formatter. Execution is not affected after formatting the code which means the code executes in the same manner as it was doing before formatting. The general features provided by each of the formatting tools of PL/ SQL includes the following specified points –
#Plsql beautifier online software
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